Saturday, 5 May 2012

Axe mask...

When I rehandled my kent pattern axe head and it became my main carving axe, I ran up a quick leathet mask to keep it safe when in my carving bag. Sufice it to say, it was so shoddy that I don't have a photo of it. In all honesty, I didn't expect it to be anything special - I needed something quickly that would do the job.

When Ju saw it, he didn't have to say a word, the look on his face said it all - it was ugly and I needed to make another if I was ever going to hold my head up at Spoonfest.

This is the new mask - 5mm thick veg tanned leather with very soft tan leather fittings. I've made these rolled leather toggles a couple of times now and it's a design I really like. It matches my knife sheaths and I'm going to make something similar for my froe. I think it holds it's own now.

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