Sunday 26 January 2014

Bowl number 4

I'm starting to think that a bowl a week mitt not have been a great idea. I think it's good for me as it motivates me to get in the workshop and do some turning. But I can see how it's going to be a bit boring for anyone reading this. Oh well, I've started now so you'll have to put up with it.
This one is from sycamore. I've had the log for about 7 months so it was a bit drier than I would have liked, but the result is some mild splaying that gives it what I call a 'sunburst' effect. It's pretty big at 10" diameter and just under 4 1/2" heigh. It will make a superb serving bowl for a big salad, a pasta dish or some bread rolls.

Sorry about the phone pictures previously, I've got the camera sorted now.


  1. Don't worry! I'm not bored! On the contrary, I can not wait to see Your next form and material.
    By the way: I fell in love by that spoons on the wall ;)
